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CAG New Temp Quarters

Posted on Sunday 4 September 2016 @ 17:12 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Captain Melody Jones
Edited on on Tuesday 13 September 2016 @ 23:17

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: USS Merlin, Deck 9, CAG Quarters (Converted Junior VIP)
Timeline: MD8 - 0130 Hours
2885 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Sav was walking with Melody from the Round Table and heading towards a Turbolift. She smiled to Melody, "Wow, that Aldeberan whisky is really strong stuff. I am feeling a light buzz for a change, thanks." Her nose widened as she took in a smell of Melody, making sure the Chief Helmsman didn't smell 'drunk'. "How long have you been drinking that? And, how do you handle that? You smell Ok."

Melody smiled "I started drinking it at the academy and I've grown used to it. That, and I've always found it really difficult to get drunk." She mused. "One or two of my class mates ended up in sickbay trying to keep up with me and I have my picture on the wall in a bar not far from the Academy."

Sav churred gently, "Sorry for checking on you like that. Just, that was my job in College and the Academy, to get people home, be a wingman, run interference, duty driver, that stuff."

"You a wingman! Now I do find that hard to believe. You are beautiful. I bet you had men lined up after you." Melody added with a sideways glance.

Sav's muzzle and ears showed quizzical at the first, blushing lightly at the second, but then, the blush went away and she shuddered at the third. She shook her head, whispering more to herself than Melody, "Yeah, they sure were." There was a momentary all over body shiver, then Sav sighed to Melody, "Guys don't like a gal who doesn't get hot and bothered, doesn't allow second base, and has needle sharp front teeth that they don't want to chance or a possible, good ol' spray if they misbehave." She sighed, "No, I was the it everyone could rely on. Here we go, the turbolift."

========= Turbolift =========

Sav activated the handle with a touch, and as the turbolift began moving out, she said, "Deck 9, junior officer country, please." She turned to Melody, "Sorry about being a downer, like that. My dating life has been nil for the last six years, and, really, I don't mind."

Melody could hear the tone in her friends voice and thought to herself 'somehow, I doubt that'. What she said out loud was"Hey it's ok. Let's just say my romantic dealings didn't fair much better. Some were frightened by me. Sometime when I asked someone out, I came on....... rather strongly.......... and that" she paused getting a somewhat haunted look in her eyes as she remember rejection after rejection" Didn't go well. And I was never very good at it." Also, I became regarded as 'off limits' due to the fact of my Borg experience. Some of them thought I was actually going to assimilate them and the ones that knew Captain Liconie had sponsored me also had the idea he would come down on them like a tonne of bricks." She laughed, but it was a hollow laugh, devoid of any humor which ended with a sigh.

Sav churred gently, "Sounds like we both are having odds at the dating scene." She shook her head, "And, guys don't like a female to come on too strong, it seems like the lady is going to be a player, use them and dump them, and then what sort of std's they could pick up, so yeah, never good. And, having known the captain who sponsored you, *snickers*, that would cause a panic." She grrred out now, surprising from her, "But, Assimilation, Dear Creator, you were rescued and now a free Woman. Why the stars would you want to Assimilate them?" Sav hrmped out in humor, trying to alleviate the mood, "Well, except in the dating sense for a boyfriend, ayuh."

"Yeah" Melody agreed, but it didn't quite lift her mood.

Looking at Melody and her mood, Sav decided to try some humor as she stated, "Now, don't be surprised if my belongings are rather sparse. Everything fits into a standard duffle bag and L'Tandrey duty bag. I haven't needed much more. But, how about you? How much space did you need, besides the extra for your pet?"

"I was assigned to the Merlin straight out of the Academy so I was traveling light too. Over the years I only picked up a few items that I felt I needed to keep. I was sent a case of some of my parents belonging not so long ago but........ I've never brought myself to opening it."

Sav blew a breath out of her nose, a sign of cleansing and understanding as she remembered her College and Academy graduating gifts still sitting in her L'Tandrey duty bag. "Yeah, I understand, you haven't had a chance to get to a state to open them." She smiled to Meloldy, "But, not to worry, one day you will, and then after opening them, chide yourself for not having done it sooner." Sav churred out in light humor, "Being the 'rely on friend', I have seen a lot of that kind of stuff. It's just how the psyche works."

Sav looked at the transverse numbers on the panel as they showed the passage of bulkhead numbers for horizontal travel and decks for vertical travel. "This is my first time being CAG, so I don't know where they usually put that officer. I was a junior helmsman on the Astar and was fully utilized in my role as Bridge Command Specialist. But, I guess, my hot-dogging with the runabout and various maintenance pods when we rescued the Fleet Repair Dock Freighter made it into my service record... and, here I am."

"Here you are" Melody agreed "Well I'm glad you are" she added beaming and giving Saveena's hand a squeeze.

The hand squeeze surprised Sav, but she settled into it, returning it and saying gently, "Thanks. I'm glad you're here also."

======== Deck 9 =========

Sav led the way out of the Turbolift and went along the route to her quarters. It wasn't in the Pilot area. It was past a junction, and a rec/gathering area, and to a set of doors marked, 'CAG Quarters'. Sav trilled gently in surprise at this. (A trill is a churr with a rising questioning tone in it.) Shrugging her shoulders, she moved forward the the doors opened. "Wow, surely there is a mistake."

"Wow" Melody echoed "And I thought my quarters were big. I really would loose Nibbles in here."

The doors opened upon a 'living room' type space, bar to the side, workdesk, and 'coffee' tale style meeting table with a couch, easy chair, and loveseat. Right near the door was a coat closet. Sav led the way further in, and just past this was a kitchenette with a secure comm panel. The doors at the back opened to a bedroom instead of the usual bunkbed style arrangement of Junior Officer quarters, and a fresher to the side of that with a full bath besides shower and sonics. Sav looked around, shocked by what she was seeing, as she repeated, "Surely some mistake somewhere."

"I don't think so my friend, you deserve this. If the Captain felt these quarters were appropriate, I'm sure they are, and the Captain usually doesn't make mistakes. I'm sure if you talk to him, you'll see he agrees with me.

Sav hrmmped out, "Yeah, I'll get it straightened out in the morning." She shook herself, then said, "Anyways, my gear isn't here. So, shall we explore?" Unknown to Sav, as she had dual Citizenship with the Federation and L'Tandrey Protectorate, the Diplomatic Corpse. had put her here till they could make sure the Senior Officer Quarters were up to spec with what they knew for the exchange officer program. Of course, as Sav was born on Apollonia, she only thought 'Federation' and not that she had something that could be used by the Captain and Diplomacy if needed.

"Have you found your belongings yet?" Melody asked as she pressed a control next to a door which opened, revealing an expansive closet.

Sav came back from where she was checking out the bathroom and looked in the opened sliding door where Melody was exploring. Her eyes opened wide at how large, to her, the closet was. She looked inside. Sure enough, there were her duffle bag and L'Tandrey duty bag. Sav grinned, assuming Melody had already spotted her belongings, "Hey, they made it after all. Thanks for finding them." Sav picked up the duffle bag to take her her bed, while saying, "Leave the duty bag there. There is nothing in it that needs out right now." She really didn't want Melody to see her own six and three year old presents, unopened.

Sav opened the duffle bag and dumped its contents onto the bed. There was some civilian articles of clothing, the requisite dress uniform, two duty uniforms, underwear, a long sleeping shirt, jewelry bag, and toiletry item bag. She churred gently as she handled one shirt with the name of a band on it, "This was from an electronica rave on Apollonia. The bands name was 'Past Blasters' and they were throwing t-shirts into the crowd with old Terra bands name from music they were playing. I caught this one." She laughed, "That was one time I was glad people were giving me some room in thinking I might 'spray' them if they got too close. That was back when I was 15 and had just started college." As she put her clothing into piles to be put away, she asked Melody, "What would you like to handle?"

The piles consisted of: Utilitarian Granny Panties, Modest Covering Bra's, various leggings and socks, Two One Piece Swimsuits with thigh skirts, Skorts and Pants, t-shirts and blouses, dresses and skirts, two Duty Uniforms, one dress uniform, and toiletry bag with Sleep shirt.

Grabbing the toiletry bag and sleep shirt, Melody said, "I'll take this, Lets see if you've got a bathtub" and made a beeline for the bathroom.

Sav froze for a second. She glanced worriedly at her toiletry bag, but it had already gone with Melody into the rather nice fresher, as bathrooms were known on military ships. She shook herself once, hoping for the best. "Uh, Sure. Just put things where you think they go." Sav started with her uniforms, taking them to the closet to hang up.

The fresher was a 1.5 times larger than typical senior quarters fresher, but not as large as the inclusive VIP or Diplomatic staterooms. There was a double sink, a two door medicine cabinet with magnet locks requiring no power, a full bathtub with walk in door and built in seat, integrity field curtain, removable shower head with hose, and two sonic wands. Separated from the room via walls was the toilet, an elongated affair with a cabinet beside it for any special needs and of course, the typical bidet water cleaning system for after the 'duty deed' done.

"Very nice". Melody commented. "I do like a nice big bathtub. It's one of my guilty pleasures. Relaxing in some nice warm water with some relaxing music playing and maybe a glass of something very alcoholic". She went over to the cabinet and proceeded to unpack Saveena's things.

Sav answered back in a loud voice to be heard from where she was in the closet hanging stuff, "Awesome, a nice bath with a glass of Sangria and a good book here." Sav churred lightly, knowing, for her, that a bath was a once in a while and having time as her tail took a long time to dry after getting fully soaked. Then, a shiver passed through body as she wondered how Melody would react to her toiletry kit. She hoped nothing amiss, but did remember how M'Katarina reacted in the Academy. Sav concentrated on her clothes, pushing all other thoughts out of her mind.

Sav's toiletry kit comprised of: 1) Teeth - a special double brush with sonics, all natural toothpaste, alcohol and herbal based mouthwash, and multi-layered floss. 2) Hair/Furr - Stiff wide dispersed bristle with balls brush for hair, styling comb, thick based wire brush, and long bristle dispersed placement sonic brush (obviously for tail). 3) Nails - Clear lacquer nail polish, full cut nail clippers, quick cut nail clippers, Powered Grind stone for pet claws, and nail polish removal liquid. 4) Medikit - Typical personal medikit, except this one, when opened had L'Tandrey crystalline tech instead of metal/silicone tech of Federation. 5) Feminine care - A stack of feminine napkins, 50/50 all day and overnight; a special thin douching system with medications and staged cleaning; heavy duty clippers usually found in fisherman kits; specialty med creams for infections not dealing with typical yeast.

Melody raised an eyebrow at some of the more.......... Uncommon items in Saveena's things but decided not to say anything at this point. She didn't want to embarrass her friend, but at the same time was slightly concerned. Finishing off she called out "All done in here" and headed back into the main living area.

Sav was at the closet with the next batch of clothes, her pants and skorts. On the bed were left utilitarian underwear, t-shirts, blouses, dresses and skirts, and two one piece swim suites with long skirts. Sav turned from where she was tugging and straightening the pants on the hangers, "Hey Girrl. You can explore some, or ifin yah want, dresser is right there."

"No problem, I'm happy to help" Melody said as she brought over the next pile of clothes for Saveena to put away. She looked at the swim suites and remarked with a coy smile "No bikinis?"

Sav stiffened as she said "NO!" a little too loudly. As she was in the closet, she could only hope Melody did not see her and thought the forceful no was from her being in the closet. She said again, more gently, "No, no bikinis. I... am not comfortable wearing them." She reached out and grabbed the t-shirts and blouses to hang them up. She always carried two until her specs could get into the replicator. Having a tail made it rather interesting for getting clothing among none tailed races.

Melody scoffed "With that figure? If you say so" she added shrugging. "Here you go" as she passed Saveena another pile of clothes.

Sav had just finished the t-shirts and started the blouses when Melody handed her the skirts and dresses. Focusing on the task at hand, she relaxed, and returned to churring gently, enjoying the work as it did not cause any undue stretching of her body, and thus no reminders of what was inside of her. Finally done, she moved back, looking at the articles hanging there. The couple of off duty clothing she had was for wingman and duty driver duties. She sighed, then called out to Melody, "Do you ever go dancing? I like electronica myself... "

Melody paused "I've never really been dancing, I would like to try ballroom at some point but I couldn't find anyone else who was interested" she looked down, a bit disheartened.

Sav came out of the closet and moved to the bed, saying, "That's a shame. I think it looks cool when people ballroom dance." She grabbed her stack of classic and control briefs, as well as her full coverage bras and socks/leggings. She looked at the T-Shirt pile and the two bathing suites, "If you wouldn't mind grabbing those, please..." She shifted to the dresser, opened up the top drawer, and put the underwear in it. She now pulled out the middle drawer for Melody to place the other items into. The bottom drawer would be unused right now.

"No problem" Melody placed the pile into the drawer and closed it again.

Sav turned to look at the place. With the items put away, it looked just like it did when the came in, as though nobody lived in the place. Sav churred out gently, "I think we're done." She turned to look at Melody, "Say, in the near future, want to spend some holodeck time and get some ballroom dance instruction? I'll be game if you are."

"That sounds great, I'm sure the computer can creat a nice dance hall to practice in. I just hope I don't have two left feet." She added with a smile. I'll let you get settled in, catch you later?"

Sav churred, "Oh, most definitely, we have a dance date." Sav raised an eyebrow to Melody, "And since when does any female pilot have two left feet?" She chuckled gently, "We'll do great."

"That sounds fantastic, thank you" Melody was looking forward to that.

Sav gathered Melody into a hug, "Thanks for helping, Melody, and the drink." Releasing her, she went with her to the door. "Don't be a stranger, Beautiful."

Melody smiled "Any time, it's no problem. The same goes for you too. See you later" and with a wink, she walked into the corridor.

Sav churred gently as she watched Melody head to the turbolift. She moved back into her quarters and the doors shut behind her. This was a time of new beginnings and Sav was liking how it was starting out.


Lieutenant Melody Jones
Chief flight officer / Second officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant j.g. Saveena Tillatix
CAG / Squad Leader Uroboros Group
Bridge Command Specialist
USS Merlin


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