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Wishes DO come true - Fantasy Becomes Reality

Posted on Wednesday 2 November 2016 @ 00:10 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Aux Computer Junction, MCJ T-603, Deck 6
Timeline: MD9 Very Early Morning 0030 Hours
1660 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


==== MCJ T-603, Deck 6 ====

CyberJynn sat in his chair and watched the incoming feeds coming into his multi-monitor setup. At least, that was his on-line presence name. That was the name the other gamers in the recreational badlands world knew him by, as well as being a known hacker when planet side on several worlds. Right now, the group was involved in a puzzle quest, so CJ could divide his attention between the game and watching his soon to be wife.

He took in a deep breath, then let it out with a pleasant sigh. On one screen was the footage of his main squeeze arriving two days ago on the flight deck. CJ just could not believe his good fortune. The Merlin had gotten her new CAG, and it was a she, and a Skunk Girl, a Skunkette, just like in his Manga Collection of Movies, Books, and Games. Heck, his female companion in the Wastelands was a Skunkette. Her flirtatious nature, fingernail claws, and shooting musk spray had helped him many times in his quests. And, even better, the real life one was reverse colored, making her even more dreamy. He was so glad she had not been shot down so they could start their life together.

On another screen was her sleeping form. He smiled as he watched her gently sleeping with the nightvision turned on for the room's sensors. As an ultramodern Starship, the Merlin had vision and audio everywhere except jeffries tubes, freshers, and special off-limit meeting rooms. He was very disappointed that she slept in a night gown, and never changed everywhere except the fresher. Then, he brightened, as the thought occurred to him that it was for the best as her intimate treasures would be for his imagination until they consummated their love for each other.

CJ checked his tracer programs. None reported any activity, which was good. Yesterday, he had used part of his time during work to hack into the ship's 'everybody' room sensors, staying away from secure sensors so as to not trip any monitor programs within the computer system or security. While the Merlin had a very advanced computer system, he understood it as he was one of the people who maintained the system and cleaned it up when compromised. So, this little back door was his contribution and would allow him to learn of his Love's habits.

He noticed his character was needed and did set up his bot control to do the mundane task. Now he went back to programming his special Holodeck program for interactions with his little skunky. Of course, he put in other girls as the Anime's always showed trios. They were usually Neko Cat-Girl, Furry Fox Girl, and when around, Furry Skunk Girl, just like his girl resting in her room. So, for the Cat Girl, while not Neko, a Caitian would work, and they were known to be sexually adventurous. For the Fox girl, he knew of none, but there was a Lupinoid race from Rigel IV, called the Aarruri, so he put her in for his Wolf-Girl. Then, his little skunky and her.. he hit a wall. He did not know her personality yet as they had not made it on dates. Still, he had his references to go by, so, Caitian Personality it was. He could only hope she had saved herself for marriage so they could learn together. If not, well, it was forgivable and after penance, she could teach him.

The holodeck adventure was two fold. First, CJ was actually very shy around girls. He had to overcome this and get used to his girl to be able to approach her to make small talk and ask her out for a date, which she would readily accept, of course. Second was to not be stumbling and all left feet when the dating progressed as she accepted being his in every way.

The badlands quest was completed and the others were signing off. He wished them well and signed out, now able to put his full attention on watching his girl and working on the holodeck city date adventure. As he did, he thought about his Skunk-girl doll in his room, wondering how to reverse its color. Of course, he also had Cat-girl and Fox-girl dolls in his room, and wondered if she would be fine with them, then realized, she sure would. After all, his special gal was the living embodiment of his world, and might even know where once they were officially married, where to get a wife of each of the others. Wait till he took pics of her to show off to his friends in the chat rooms, they were going to be so jealous.

CyberJynn thought about his badlands support character and her abilities. Well, he couldn't have that with his special gal, too many incidents could happen. So, she would have to get her scent glands removed, and de-skunkified in her smell, as well as get her probably long finger nail/claws ground down. He knew she would understand immensely, and have it done once they were officially dating.

==== 0100 Hours ====

CJ heard a sound and looked around. There was nobody else in this area, and he always collapsed it back into its 'control cubes' when he was done so it would not be found. He heard a sound again, and noticed movement on the monitors. His girlfriend was moving, and seemed to be crying out. She must be having a nightmare. What to do, what to do, what to do... If he alerted someone, they would ask nosy questions. If he didn't, his future wife could hurt herself.

CyberJynn noticed an alert go through the computer system to the ship's acting Counselor. CJ had not programmed that, but was happy it was in there. Now, he could help his gal without anybody knowing it. He altered the Computer responses to a first tiered security response. There, that should help the Counselor.

He could not see into the Counselor's quarters, that was a secure mapped area, but he could track him when he came out. There, he was rushing towards the turbolift, shirtless? Wow, that was a lot of scars. His heart fluttered. Furry Gals were always attracted to the rough characters, would his gal? He shook his head, telling himself, no, she wouldn't, the counselor was too old, and besides, she was saving herself for him and him only.

==== 0110 hours ====

CJ's mouth dropped open. It was already 10 minutes after the hour, and the Counselor placed his come badge into the turbolift, then dove into a jeffries tube? What the heck was going on? Then, it dawned on him as he slapped his forehead. He had altered the computer interaction, and security threat one was mainly for intruders, so, the Counselor reacted accordingly. Well, he had to help the Counselor understand there was no intruder, only his skunkette in need of help.

CJ began typing commands for the Computer to do full intruder scans and report. He smiled to himself as the computer also did a class 2 security action to look for and report no sneak suits in the room either. There, that should get the Counselor back on track in getting to skunky in a hurry. He went back to listening to his wife and realized what she was saying. She was having a nightmare about an intruder, most likely, and it was a shame he could not be there yet to wake her and sooth away the nightmare, along with the extra activities that would bring. He knew he had to start dating her, very soon, as he would not be able to contain himself for long.

CJ blanched as he saw claws extend out from between his girlfriend's fingers to start rending the linen. She didn't have finger nail claws, she had actual to goodness claw claws. Well, she would just have to have them removed, the sooner the better. Besides, once he was her beau, she wouldn't need them, she would have him.

==== 0125 Hours ====

Finally, at 0125 Hours, the counselor arrived on her deck. CJ did now know why Skunky was by herself in VIP quarters, but it suited him as he could visit anytime he wanted in the near future without anybody finding out. However, now that the counselor was there, he had to cut off his monitoring. The security programs and client-doctor privilege programs would activate, and notice him watching her. So, he cut off his monitoring and the video and sounds vanished. He could not be caught, not when he was doing this for her good.

CyberJynn did a silent 'Please keep her safe, I need her', and then began putting away his equipment. The monitors went back up against the wall, each one over the top of the other, and reconfigured for just one showing an LCARS tracing panel. The control surfaces performed the same action, becoming a single computer junction troubleshooting and emergency repair console. As for his chair, he folded it up into the jeffries tube behind him. Now it looked like extra support for the pipping and such along the wall.

Taking satisfaction in his work, he combed back his hair and headed out of the junction and into the Jeffries hatch in the supply room near the crewman quarters. His added sensors above the door showed nobody about, and so he left the supply room and went to his quarters.

After a few minutes spent getting ready for bed, he grabbed his skunkette doll to sleep with. His roommate, in the bunk above him, was fast asleep, and also a deep sleeper. Not even red alert could wake him when he was out. They covered for each other, and did not mind each others quirks. Soon, though, soon, CJ would be in married quarters, living the dream with his little Skunky.


Unknown Rank - Unknown Rate
Member of USS Merlin Crew


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