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V launch brief

Posted on Monday 25 July 2016 @ 19:32 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant JG Davina Lidox & Marine Captain Elias Walker

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: the Gym
Timeline: MD6 Afternoon
794 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


"Hello Marines" said Lidox at the front of the room. Introductions first, I'm the new Strategic Ops officer Lieutenant Lidox and my college at the back of the room is Lieutenant Jones, Chief flight control officer. "This is the where you learn how to do a V-launch. The idea behind V-launch is to get your fighters or shuttles away from the mothership as quick as possible so it can re enter warp, that way you can worry about your target and not defending the mothership. The trick is to get your ship outside the warp field as quick as possible so you're not caught up in the wake when the mothership goes back into warp" Lidox explained.

She pulled up a display of a shuttle bay "This was one of the early tests" She said playing a simulation on the screen. "I was running a simulation on one of the academy training vessels. This will show the importance of making sure there are no unsecured items or loose debris in the bay for V-Launch."

The simulation showed the first V-Launch were Lidox had tied the controls of the shuttle into the forcefield holding in the atmosphere from the wastes of space. She had done this as a practical joke, taking one of her academy friends out for a test flight. She had reprogramed the impulse controls so instead of engaging impulse, it cut the power from the shuttle and turned off the atmospheric force field. This propelled the shuttle out of the shuttle bay into space, where she was going to joke about it with her friend. However, what happened was as the force field dropped, the shuttle was propelled out into space along with some containers which were in the shuttle bay. These hit the shuttle sending it into a spin, injuring both parties. To prevent Lidox from being expelled they had both decided to say it was a planed experiment, but they had forgotten to ask permission.

Melody stood at the back of the room with a subtle smile on her face. She knew her friend had a flare for the dramatic, and had heard she had almost been thrown out of the academy, but she didn't know what for. Now things were stating to make sense.

Lidox continued "In order to prevent uncontrolled flat spin the shuttle must be positioned in the middle of the shuttle bay no less than 5cm from the atmospheric force field. When the force field drops, the shuttle will cut all engines and be blown out into space but then must re engage its impulse engines to move the shuttle outside of the motherships warp field. Are there any questions so far?"

Elias looked around at the marines that were going. None showed any interest in ask or interrupting so far. "Not yet, but I may have a few in the end."

Lidox pulled up another demonstration on the view screen. "This was the last test run on the USS Clément Ader. If you look at the PADD's in front of you it has all the data from the Ader, Your the lucky people who have been chosen by Starfleet to test V-Launch so apart from me with the test, you will be in the history books as the first official V-Launch."

Melody walked to the front of the room and stood next to Davina "Timing is critical in this manoeuvre so please listen carefully. The shuttle will take up position as indicated. The bay doors will be opened while still at warp. The moment the Merlin drops to sub light, the force field will be dropped and the shuttle will be blown out. The moment the shuttle is clear its onboard computer will engage the impulse engines to move the shuttle clear as the Merlin goes back into warp. I'll be at the helm, who has the honour of piloting the shuttle?"

Elias looked to a young marine Leaning against the way. "That would be left to Mr. T'Ress. I'm told he is the best shuttle pilot I have."

Melody smiled at the marine "I'm sure everything will go just fine. Is there anything you are unsure about or need any more information on?"

"No thank you Lieutenant Jones. The briefing was informative and to the point." T'Ress replied with his typical Vulcan coolness.

"Well Unless Lieutenant Lidox has something to add, I think you all bettter get a good nights sleep tonight. Big day tomorrow. There is a simulation available on the holodeck if you want to run through the manoeuvre first."


Lieutenant jg Melody Jones
Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin


1st Lieutenant Elias Walker
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Merlin


Lieutenant JG Davian Lidox
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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