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Posted on Tuesday 8 December 2020 @ 12:56 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: Homeward
Location: The Round Table
Timeline: MD1 2000
2550 words - 5.1 OF Standard Post Measure



For: Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
From: Fay (and Sansa)
Subject: Dinner?

Hello Mathias.

I would like to invite you to join me for dinner at the Round table this evening at 2000 hrs. I have discussed this with Hayley. She is happy that me and you can spend time together but has asked for some 'ground rules' to which I have agreed. I will give details tonight but she assures me no wooden spoons will be involved. I look forward to seeing you.


+++++MESSAGE ENDS+++++


For: Fay (and Sansa)
From: Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Subject: Dinner definitely

Hello Fay,

I will be delighted in joining you for dinner. No wooden spoons, oh good, I am glad of that.


+++++MESSAGE ENDS+++++

The Round Table, 2000

Fay sat at a table looking around, feeling somewhat nervous.

Sansa spoke inside her head. "Would you calm down? He's coming, don't worry so much."

Fay took a deep breath. "I will try."

Mathias did indeed show up, wearing a button up, long sleeved burgundy coloured shirt, he wore black slacks and his favourite pair of black slip on shoes. His hair for the moment was tamed, who knew how long that would last as it seemed to have a mind of its own.

Mathias beamed when he saw Fay, " Good evening, Fay. Good to see you and thank you for the invitation to dinner." taking a seat across from her, at the table.

Fay beamed a radiant smile at him. "Sansa suggested it and Hayley helped me pick this dress, I hope you like it, she indicated to the blue full length dress with a slit proclivity up to her thigh.

"After our... encounter on the holodeck, Sansa felt some apprehension about what Hayley would think so she insisted that we go and talk to her."

Mathias had been focused on Fay/Sansa's face that he hadn't registered what she was wearing. Now he took a look, and pursed his lips together letting out an appreciative whistle. "it is beautiful and you look fantastic in it." his cheeks turning a reddish hue.

He felt that Hayley was being a bit impish when having Fay dress in the dress. Other than that, he also felt that Hayley wanted to see her love in the dress as well. Talk about a double edged sword here.

"I had gone and talked with Hayley as well, in the late evening. I just couldn't get any sleep with what happened, so I went and talked with her. I ended up staying to watch a movie that she was watching, as it was one I liked as well. " he stated.

While they had been talking, a waiter had approached. " Good evening, what would you like this evening?"

Fay thought for a moment. "Can you make... Haggis?" She looked at Mathias "We did some research and thought it would be appropriate to try a dish from your place of origin."

The waiter made a mote on his PADD. "And for you Sir?"

"Haggis isn't too bad, some don't like it, but I do from time to time." he looked at the waiter. "Haggis for me as well. "

"And to drink?" the waiter added.

She looked at Mathias "What would you recommend?"

He looked back towards Fay, "As for drinks, since I can not drink the fake alcohol, I suggest a nice fruit juice or for that matter a sparkling grape juice. It's non alcoholic and it has fizz, and I like it."

"I would like to try that as well please." Fay added.

The waiter nodded and headed off to complete their order.

Sansa who had been listening picked up on what Matias had said. Hayley had also mentioned that he had watched a movie with her, but she trusted Hayley so didn't think any more of it.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you Mathias, After studying human interactions and romantic complications, I think is the best approach. I find you intriguing and when I'm with you, it creates feelings in me while I'm in Sansa's body that I've not experienced before. Especially when I kissed you. I got the feeling from you that you share some feelings about me.

Inside her head, Sansa was quite shocked. "Don't sugar coat it or anything..." she thought to Fay

Fay continued. "Now, while I would... Like to explore them further... It is not fair on Sansa to jeopardize her relationship with Hayley. After talking to Hayley to avoid any... awkward situations for Sansa on my departure we've agreed to some ground rules. We, that is me and you can spend time together but that we further no romantic agenda and we should exercise restraint as to physical interactions. She doesn't want Sansa becoming an unexpected mother."

At this point, Sansa's embarrassment went up to 11, and 2 red spots burned bright on her face.

"I think I have embarrassed Sansa and If I have made you uncomfortable, I apologize. I would still like to spend time with you and I hope you would like to spend time with me."

Sansa was just stunned into silence. Finally, she thought "He's probably going to exit a warp speed you realize..."

Mathias listened and watched the interplay between Sansa and Fay, watching as Sansa's eyes rotated between the sparkling purple quality of the eyes which were Fay's, to the clear blue ones of Sansa. There must have been quite the conversation, noting the furious blush on their cheeks. When she was finished, Mathias got up and moved his chair to where he was seated right next to them. He reached over and picked up their right hand bringing it up to his lips placing a gentle kiss. He looked into their eyes with a soft gentle smile.

"I like the honest approach and Fay and Sansa, this is as far as I am going to be intimate, except for an embrace, or a kiss on the cheek, holding hands or us linking arms. And that will be where there won't be prying eyes. For people do talk, and I do not wish either of you to be the subject of gossip. Though there might be some already flying about."

He looked deeply into their eyes seeing in his mind the images of both ladies reflecting there. They could see that he had distinct eye colours as well.

" I do not intend on ravishing you at all, for with me, you will be safe. And Sansa, you will not have to worry about being an unexpected mother. " giving an assuring smile. "Fay, I do wish to spend time with you, I agree there needs to be boundaries. I have every intention of keeping within the boundaries that I had mentioned. Do you agree to what I had mentioned, Sansa or do you need less contact? This sort of thing calls for some delicate balance."

Sansa emerged for a moment. "That sounds very sensible and sounds fine with me. She really does like you. We'll have to figure out a way when she leaves me how you two can spend some time together. And I promise, not watch when she kisses you." Sansa said with a grin, before letting Fay take control again. She toned down the grin to a warm smile. "Thank you for your understanding Mathias." It was at this point, the waiter came over with their food.

While he was placing it down, Sansa thought to Fay "Wow. He's a total gentleman and he's totally into you."

Fay acknowledged what Sansa had said silently and added a "Thank you" to the waiter. She then turned her attention back to Mathias. "Sansa also thinks very highly of you but in a more professional way. She wanted some time with Hayley after we had talked and they... showed me how stimulating this kissing..."

"Whoa!! Too much information!" Sansa though at her, making her stop short.

"Ahh... That's something else I believe Sansa would like to be kept private." She changed the direction of the conversation. "Are you planning on visiting your home while we are here?"

Mathias stifled a laugh and then blushed at the information. He thanked the waiter as well, then poured the sparkling grape drink into the respective glasses.

Then he replied, "Sansa and Fay. there won't be any kissing on the lips for me, besides that first one. With the two of you combined into one body, and the passion that is there, I am afraid I'd not be able to withstand another powerful kiss like that. It left me stunned and befuddled. A man can only just take so much. And I don't know if I'd survive another kiss, even if Sansa doesn't look. That is something that you may need to think about." he thought about that first initial kiss, remembering its after-effects. "Hayley must have thought me a fool and a bumbler. Well at that point when I spoke to her, I was. Kisses are powerful, very powerful indeed and your kiss, very potent."

Mathias then picked up his fork, and began eating his haggis, he said in between bites, "I do plan on visiting my home while here, I need to see my grandparents as they would definitely not be happy if I don't do so. Besides, it would be nice to see where I played as a boy." giving a wistful smile.

Although Fay was in control at that moment, a very smug-looking grin cam though from Sansa. "I knew my kisses were powerful, but I didn't know they were that powerful." she thought to Fay.

Fay laughed gently "Sansa is liking the fact that you find our kisses so powerful. "
As she ate her haggis, which she was quite enjoying the taste of, she mentioned "I'm going to have to go to Starfleet Command for a period of time as I've been requested by Admiral Hollins but I would also like to see your home. I know Hayley is going to see her family but I get the feeling that Sansa would like to meet them just her and Hayley. Are you coming to Starfleet headquarters first as well?"

Mathias chuckled good naturedly. "I speak truthfully. And yes I am going to headquarters as well. They may want my report in person, as to what is going on at Starbase 308 and the USS Merlin. Reports are fine and dandy via computer but in person is always the best. I've been told." finishing up his haggis.

"I think I am in the mood for dessert, a mixed berry pie and a scoop of ice cream." he remarked.

Fay nodded as she had also finished her meal, eating everything on her plate. "That sounds interesting, yes I would like to try one of those as well. After we've been to San Francisco, may I accompany you to see your home?"

"If Sansa is alright with it, I would love for you to see it, and I think that you will enjoy it as well. "Mathias replied giving smile, as the waiter came to get the dinner plates and took their order for dessert.

Fay 'listened' to Sansa for a moment inside her head then said aloud "Sansa is also eager to see your home."

The waiter returned with their ice cream and Fay took a cautious spoonful and shuddered. "Very cold but has a present flavour. There is indeed a wide variety of food available and eating is a very enjoyable sensation."

"Good, I am glad." Mathias said watching to see her reaction to the ice cream. He smiled, "It really tastes good when combined with the pie." taking his fork and scooping up a piece of ice cream on it then taking a forkful of pie, the two flavours melding together. His eyes closed in enjoyment of the taste. "Mmmn this is good but doesn't compare to my grandmother's pies. Nor my sisters. Those just melt in the mouth. Delectable and delicious."

Fay tried as he suggested. "Sansa keeps telling me that her mother is a far better sook than the replicators can provide." She finished her dessert. "You have siblings?"

"Yes. I'm the oldest of the four children. There is my brother Randolph, he is a helmsman of the USS Crystal Star. My two sisters whom I've already mentioned, they are younger than Randolph and I . Then I have an Aunt and Uncle plus two cousins who live on Starbase 308." taking the last bite of his pie and ice cream.

"Do you have siblings?" Mathias asked Fay.

Fay thought for a moment. "A couple of thousand. I'm not sure which of us is the oldest." She added, completely straight faced.

Mathias's eyebrows raised up. " A couple of thousand? That is something I would like to see. " looking into Fay's eyes, of which he felt himself pulled towards . He blinked, feeling a desire to ask her something but he felt that wasn't appropriate, perhaps he will ask later on at a later time. He actually wanted to see if he and Fay could share thoughts to converse that way. ' not good' he scolded himself.

He turned his attention to stacking the empty dessert plates and the silverware on top. Then turned to Fay. "Perhaps we should call this a successful evening. May I escort you both to your room? If that is alright with you and Sansa. Its what a gentleman would do for his date."

Fay smiled at him. ”That's very kind of you.” she stood and followed him out of the Round Table. The trip to her quarters was brief and soon they were stood outside the door.

She turned to him ”Thank you for a wonderful evening.” she could have so easily leaned forward and kissed him but after what he had said earlier, she paused to see what he would do.

"I enjoyed the evening as well." taking her hand and lifting it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. He wasn't certain if he should risk the kiss on the cheek, but then again. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Sweet dreams to the both of you." he said gently.

As on the holodeck, the touch of his lips on her skin produced an almost electric effect. Shad had closed her eyes when he had leaned in and when it was over, she opened them slowly, reveling in the afterglow. Her eyes sparkled that bit brighter.

"Good night" and with that, she entered her quarters, walked straight to her bed and flopped backwards onto it wondering if her dreams that evening would be of Hayley... or Mathias?"

When the door closed, Mathias stared at it for a long moment. He wondered if Fay knew she had a natural magical quality about her, a charm like that of the legendary fae. Breathing in deeply, Mathias turned and went back to his quarters, got ready for bed. He lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling, visions of a woman with sparkling purple eyes and of another, with locks of silken gold. Mathias groaned, what a conundrum he was in. He finally fell asleep, his dreams a chaotic but pleasant mess.




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