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How to save a planet

Posted on Wednesday 29 September 2021 @ 08:28 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Ensign Roger Bumble

Mission: First Contact
Location: Colony
Timeline: MD12 1300
2031 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure


The place was rumbling and Mathias could feel the heat, he moved to his knees to look at the machine, and flipped the switch to what he could tell might be the off position. "Anya I don't know if this is going to be working." looking over towards the Benzite Doctor. "Anya?" rising up and walking over towards where she was, "Its not your fault, you didn't hit the switch. I did. I am going to go see about figuring out that infernal machine and hopefully stop this. There has to be a way to do so." Mathias turned around to go back to that strange device.

The Medical Officer had to push through her own thoughts, each one grim and filled with regret and guilt. As generous as it was of Mathias to assume responsibility it was still her away mission and her team. She was ultimately accountable.

"I will monitor the effects and see if I can channel the power to another point!"

"Sounds good" Mathias said nodding and went back to the device. He had a momentary thought of Caroline, hoping that she was safe somewhere.

Gregor got to his feet. " I'm going to try to remove the crystals that I placed on the machine, That might help it shut down. " Gregor grabbed the crystal with one hand and pull, but to no avail. He then tried with both hands and then with both hands and a foot against the pillar for leverage, all without success. " That didn't work, Whatever or where ever the off switch is we need to find it fast!! "

"Well Morgan, there has to be a way for them to be pulled out and we can't destroy it either. Maybe there is something else that we are missing? A wire that is crossed?" Flipping the switch once more before looking at the wires. He went back to where that small depression on the top of the device. "I think we are missing an important part of this puzzle. We have two crystals, on side is green the other is orange and both of the orange area is facing upwards." he mused out loud.

Gregor shook his head in disbelief. " So orange is for lava and green is for safe? How did we miss that one? " Gregor look more at the top of the device. " Hey look at this. There is a small dish like dip in the top here that I can't stick the tip of my pinky into and there is a very tiny hole at the bottom of it. I pretty sure we're missing something, Now we have to find it. "

"We need to do something fast. The centrifugal force being exerted on the molten core is accelerating and we are reaching a point of no return... Tectonics are increasing and we have another Pyroclastic eruption taking place on the western coast!"

Her heart was sinking, the pit of her stomach was clenched so tights she felt as though she may vomit. Doctor Nir'anyar was likely to be discharged from Starfleet after this.

=====Merlin transporter room=======

"How long will it take for us to get down there?" Rython said with some panic in his voice. "I wish that blasted Sylvie were here. She would have the answer." he groaned at what was happening, then he got word from his people. "YES! I know that there is a problem see about evacuating everyone! I don't care how you do it, just get it done!" he roared at his communication device.

Miles looked at Rython, "We can be there before you finish your next statement if you will hold still for a few seconds. If you can provide us some information on the Sylvie person, we may be able to find her and bring her to wherever we are going!"

"Get us down to where your team is." Rython said and looked at Harleen. "I hope we are not too late, and for what its worth. I am truly sorry."

And the team is energized sending them to the coordinates of the team on the planet.

=====Planetside Medical Facility=======

The group materialized right near where Morgan, Bumble and McPhee were, and not too far from Anya. Rython looked startled and felt sick with what was happening. He opened up his communication device, "Ammar, can you get hold of Sylvie!"

"I will try." Ammar responded.

Mathias looked up to see the away team there, "Miles!" he exclaimed, "And the leaders?" He rose from his kneeling position and looked at them. "Do you have anyway to activate this machine?"

Miles looked around and shook his head, "The leaders are here. Mr. Rython is trying to find an associate who might know something. Now, bring me up to speed on what actually happened here."

"Well, found this machine it got started up, then things went to hell and a hand basket." Mathias remarked.

Gregor quickly looked through box after box on the shelf for an item that would fit into the small depression on top of the machine. He found what appeared to be a scroll with some type of locking band on it with a green square on it. Gregor touched the green square and it turned red and softly buzzed at him. " I found a manuscript of some kind. It might be for the machine or grandmas cookbook, but it's got some type of bio lock on it. Someone want to give it a try? "

"Give it to me. Only the women can do this process," Harleen stated. She took the manuscript and muttered some words. Blowing on it after wards. It opened and started to come to life, alien writing appearing.

Her eyes flicked fast and over it it, her brow creasing. "Oh the things they were doing ..... our people never learn do they ...." she muttered looking at Ryhton. "We might be able to limit some of the damage but ....

"Let me please," she said to Gregor stepping forward and inserting the item into where he had indicated.

Anya had heard the transport but she was struggling to pull her attention away from the bubbling hell scape unfolding before her but then the two voices she didn't know pulled her from her internalisation. She turned to look at them and realised they must have been natives to the planet and she started towards them, stumbling once with another shudder coming from the core of the planet.
"Please tell me you are able to fix my mistake... I'm sorry, a thousand times I'm sorry!"

Rython moved over to where Harleen was, and looked at the script of the language, "Harleen, its going to have to take some of our blood mixed to make things stable." he then looked over to Anya. "We are hoping that we can do so." he then took out a blade and cut his palm with the blade, the blood dripping into where the object was. "Your turn and then the stones will need to be reversed. Be ready!"

Gregor was more than willing to hand over the scroll to the woman who had just arrived. He watched as the two pricked their hands and dripped blood into the tiny bowl, he then used a crate to steady himself as another tremor rumbled under their feet. He hoped that they could fix the problem before everyone became extra crispy.

As soon as the blood dripped into the little dish, it combining, dripping even more lower through, the machine came to life. Mathias grabbed the crystals and pulled them out, reversing how they had been placed with the green sides up at the same time and placed them back in their slot. His hands froze upon the crystals as a pulse of energy went through him. A single conscious thought that he had was, Oh gosh what's happening to me! and that was the only one, as his body arched and jerked around like it had been hit with a bolt of lightning, Mathias not able to break contact with the two crystals. A green energy came from the machine, running from the two crystals and enveloping Mathias and seeming to soak into his body. His eyes had been closed at the time the energy hit, he opened his eyes, they having a gem like sheen to them, a brilliant emerald green, sparkling brightly. Mathias released the crystals rising to his feet, seeming to barely touch the earth. A green nimbus encircling his whole body, as he moved towards where the lava raged. He paused to look at Anya, then passed through the wall, the molten stone cooling where he stepped. Reaching the center of that raging fiery molten maelstrom he stopped, knelt and placed his hands down. The green nimbus that was around him pulsed, faster and faster then started growing brighter and brighter, until it was blinding, then like an explosion whatever energy was possessing Mathias shook the very earth itself where the tremors were taking place, radiated out in a wave cracking the protective glass that was there.

When the light faded away, and when the eyes could see again, Mathias looked towards those there, "We are awakened, those who do not belong, leave!" the voice sounding like two entities speaking at the same time. One male and one female. He looked at Harleen and Rython, "No more fighting, listen to her." to Rython. Mathias walked back to where the machine was, passing once more through the wall, to where Rython and Harleen stood. He placed a hand upon Harleen's shoulder, the other on Rython's shoulder the green nimbus disappeared, Mathias collapsing in a heap, on the floor.

Rython was dumbfounded at what had just happened, no more tremors but still the damage was there as to what had been done. "I never thought I'd see the day of the ancient spirits of the planet to be awakened."

"They are giving us another chance," Harleen stated. "Us. Our deities. They speak. You people ... especially you .... " she rounded on the Benzite woman ...." should NOT be here. We will," she looked at Rython "fix our people, our world. You will leave never to return. "

Gregor moved to where Mathias fell and quickly checked him. He picked Mathias up and moved over to where the rest of the group was gathering

Not sure of what he had witnessed, Miles shook his head. "We will depart and leave a beacon in space asking that you be left alone. At some point, we would love to come back and learn more about your world. We will depart now." Miles tapped his combadge, "Transporter room, beam up all Star Fleet personnel. Have medical triage teams on standby." Before the beamout started Miles smiled at Harleen and Rython, "There is a saying amongst one of our fellow races, May you live long and prosper." With that, Miles found himself standing back on the Merlin.

Anya stayed silent, eyes cast down. How could she look them in the eye after what she had caused. She moved to stand to the side and slightly behind Commander Rejal, her hands clasped before her.

Rython nodded his head in agreement to what Harleen had said, then said to Harleen "I have been foolish I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me." He then looked towards the Away Team, "And you, do as well. Live long and prosper. Just do not come back here."

Gregor sighed. " We'll respect your wishes as is our custom. But it's a shame really, there are a few of your people I was looking forward to getting to know better. " as he turned to head to the departure area.


●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Marbim Rejal
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Gregor Morgan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

Colony leader
Npc Miller


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