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Learning the ropes

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2021 @ 12:07 by Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal

Mission: First Contact
Location: Stellar Cartography + Other parts of Merlin
Timeline: MD3 0800
1006 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure


After the almost destruction of a planet, Captain Jones has asked Commander Rejal to work with Lieutenant Nir'anyar on Bridge Officer training and exam

Miles was standing in Stellar Cartography looking at a 3D map of the Alpha Quadrant when Anya arrived. The two crewmen who are normally on shift are not present at this time.

"Commander.... You asked me to join you?" Anya came to stand next to the Merlin's first officer and she realised this would be the first time since she had joined the crew of the Excalibur Class ship that this would be the first time she had been alone with the Cardassian. She had no real knowledge of the man beyond his relationship with the helm officer and she could now assume that relationship had ended due to the departure of the latter.

Without turning Miles poked his finger into the slowly spinning Milky Way galaxy. "Coming from Cardassia, I had limited information on the true history of the Federation, and the reason behind why Star Fleet was created. I was taught that Humans were dangerous, and needed to be subjugated, like other species we Cardassians lived within reach of." As Earth got larger, Miles turned to look at Anya, "Exploration. Humans always provide that as their reason for leaving their planet. Yet since the time that the Vulcans made first contact, it seems like war and violence have always accompanied them, which is interesting as it has followed so many other races on their voyage into the cosmos. Captain Jones asked me to work with you on the Bridge Officers exam. I've read through your service record. From what I've observed during our short time together, is that you want to get the job done. The issue that presents itself, is in the execution. How much do you know about the Prime Directive, and why it was created?"

"I am bound by the Hippocratic Oath Commander, I shall do no harm. The Prime Directive is similar in that I shall not interfere..." she could feel her ire rising know what the Commander was getting at and she wanted to snap at him as she would do anyone else who questioned her, however this was not her area of expertise. She was here to learn so she bit down on her tongue and took a deep breath before continuing.
"My actions recently have not only been a huge interference within a culture and society but I did harm to those I was trying to help... I cannot change that, I can only learn from it!"

Miles nodded. "That is correct, which is why you and I are having this conversation. The Prime Directive was created by all the members of the Federation, not just those from Earth. Sometimes it is difficult to determine our best course of action. Now with your medical training oath, I knew you would be better armed to grasp the concept. However, in looking at what happened on the planet, was there any other course of action that could have been taken. That's where our bridge officer and even command officer training comes in. Yes our natural response is to dive in and help. In triage and in most say medical decision, that is the best and maybe only course of action. In meeting with a new alien species as part of First Contact, that's why we move so slowly. We almost have to plan our actions out like a chess match, several plays ahead. It is a thin line to walk, and none of us are perfect. Over time, you'll develop a, hmmm, gut feeling or 6th sense on the outcome of your decisions. What choices or decisions would you change if we could time travel, which I would recommend not doing, as there is an entire branch of Star Fleet apparently who monitor that sort of thing."

"So where do we start with my learning Commander?" she asked in earnest, all of her momentary frustrations evaporating as she could see how much Starfleet meant to him and she could fully appreciate that because she felt the same. This was her chance to grow, to become a better officer and perhaps someone the Captain could turn to for important mission again once she had earned the trust she had once had back.

"We actually have started. I have arranged for you to use some time in Holodeck 3. The scenarios you will be tasked with, are reworking the problem that almost led to the destruction of a First Contact world. The scenario will run three times, each time getting harder, or more intensive, and the system will be loaded so your actions won't be allowed if they infringe on the Prime Directive. When that is completed we'll go over the results, and then we'll spend some time on the bridge. While the idea is not to learn every aspect of each position, having a working knowledge of what each member of the crew handles is important, especially if the primary crew is somehow disabled and you have to rely on your know-how."

"Very well" even if she wasn't as enthused about the prospect of revisiting the same scenario again even once. Three times however seemed a touch excessive, as if rubbing salt in an already painful and open wound that was stubbornly refusing to close.

Miles smiled, "I can tell you aren't enthused. These tests, as the other aspects you will be learning, are to build muscle memory, so that when, not if, you have to take command of the Merlin, you are confident, and that the crew will follow your orders without question. We're done here for today. You should do the challenges soon, as the next step is learning about your "command role."


○●● Lieutenant Commander Marbim Rejal
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin


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