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Conversation over lunch

Posted on Saturday 12 December 2020 @ 20:56 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: Homeward
Location: San Fransisco, Starfleet Command
Timeline: MD2 1130
1788 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody had been debriefing all morning and the Admiral had suggested they break for lunch. Melody had jumped at the idea as she knew a great cafe, The Spicy Pickel, near Starfleet headquarters that made great sandwiches.

On her away across the grounds, she spotted a familiar face.

Mathias had just finished giving his reports, to those in charge of the Star Fleet Science division. They seemed to be pleased with his report and sent him on his way. His stomach rumbled and Mathias wanted to have a rather hearty meal, especially since it would be his first meal back here on Earth. There was a place he liked to visit when going to the Academy. It was called the Spicy Pickel. His mouth watered thinking of the sandwiches there. As he headed towards the restaurant, his eyebrows raised seeing a familiar redhead nearby.

Mathias walked up to Commander Jones, "Afternoon Commander Jones, didn't know I would be seeing you at this time. I'm off to go get something to eat at the Spicy Pickel."

Melody raised an eyebrow. "What a coincidence, I was just heading there myself. It was a particular favourite of mine when I was at the academy. Please join me."

"I would be delighted, thank you Commander." Mathias said agreeably

The pair entered the "Spicy Pickel" which hadn't changed a lot from the last time Melody had visited. In fact, much of the staff were the same. A young waiter approached and immediately recognised Melody. " Ahh, Miss Jones.... or should that me Commander Jones. I've been hearing great things about it. It's been a while. A table for you and...?"

"Ah, this is Lieutenant McPhee, my chief science officer."

He smiled "This way."

He led them to a table and handed them a menu on a PADD.

After a quick glance Melody said, "I would like one of your famous BLT subs with extra jalapenos and sweet chilli sauce and could I also have a big bowl of mashed potatoes with lashings of butter."

The waiter raised an eyebrow "An unusual combination, and we don't get many requests for mashed potatoes but I think I can find some. And to drink?"

She replied, "A large glass of carrot juice please."

"Off the Racktajino are we? Very Good. And for you sir?" he turned to Mathias.

"A cheesesteak sandwich the slice of cheese being swiss, with plenty of mushrooms and sauteed onions. Hot Ginger Tea with lemon and honey on the side for my drink. And a side salad, with a wedge of lemon." Mathias replied. Aside he said to Melody, "Its something I really liked when I went here."

The waiter nodded and left.

"How are things going with Starfleet?" Mathias queried.

"Quite well. Starfleet Command is very pleased we've made successful fist contact and recovered the USS Darwin. They were very keen on talking to Fay. They also wanted more information on the Puppet Master. How's your debriefing going?"

The waiter returned and placed their sandwiches, drink and Melody's bowl of mashed potatoes on the table. Melody looked at Mathias's sandwich. "That looks very nice", before taking a big bite out of her own.

Mathias took a big bite of his, closing his eyes in sheer enjoyment. He certainly was hungry. He paused once the first bite was finished and took a drink of his tea. "Your sandwich looks really good too. Feeling some cravings?"

Her sandwich paused halfway to her mouth and she looked at him surprised. "Cravings? Well, I suppose I've been rather hungry lately," she said as she contemplated his words. She drank another mouth full of carrot juice. "Fay said she was looking forward to seeing your home village in Scotland. You two must be getting on rather well?"

Mathias ignored the question about him and Fay for the moment. Instead, he said. "No raktajino and wanting spicy foods, and being extra hungry. Those are signs that you may be with child. Would it be okay for me to take a scan?" Mathias looking at Melody, then took a bit of a deep breath before asking his next part. " Or would you rather I answer your question about Fay." actually looking a little bit uncomfortable in reference about Fay.

Melody looked around in this rather public setting, but part of her wanted to know. She and Drax had been... trying but she had not expected it to be so fast. Maybe that's why the last injection Caroline had administered not had the same effect as the others... she thought to herself.
Trying to keep her voice quiet. "Well, I suppose a quick scan wouldn't hurt, but try and be discreet about it? You can tell me about you and Fay while you're at it," she added, noting the awkward look on his face when she mentioned her.

"I shall be very discreet about it." as Mathias took out the tricorder under the guise of retrieving his napkin from his lap. He made a quick scan of Melody, while he spoke.

"Well, I am finding myself in a bit of a pickle, to say the least. I had come across Fay and Sansa in the holodeck viewing a holoprogram with whales in it. We conversed a bit, swam with the whales and then... to my surprise Fay kissed me." he said this in a low voice, to where only Melody could hear it.

"It befuddled my mind and she left before I could say anything. This led to my going to talk to Hayley, and that was an awkward conversation to have. The night before, I had met up with Hayley to get to know her, and we clicked on a friend level, so when the kiss happened I felt I needed to tell Hayley. There have been some ground rules made, just so there will not be any misconceptions nor anything un-towards happening."

He stopped and read the scan, looking at the results and passed it to Melody under the napkin so she could see. Then he continued, " This is a rather delicate diplomatic situation, and I am not going to jeopardize the situation and have anything happening between Fay, Sansa and myself in a rather intimate manner." he was definitely firm about that.

Melody listened to him. "Fay kissed you?" She took a deep breath. "Well from what both Sansa and Fay have told me and we've what we've seen, Fay cannot do anything against Sansa's wishes so Sansa must have allowed her to do so. And Sansa is aware of Fay's thoughts and feelings so she must have deemed it allowable at that moment. But you did the right thing by going to talk with Hayley and as you say this needs handling in a diplomatic way. It is not my intention to interfere with the personal life of my officers and my daughter is of an age where she makes decisions for herself. Just exercise some... common sense shall we say, lieutenant?

"Do not worry, Captain, I'm not allowing any kissing on the lips, only on the cheek and on the hand. An embrace and holding hands. When I had dinner with Fay and Sansa, I established those ground rules. Both of them are passionate and that was evident in the kiss that Fay had given to me. Very powerful." he took another bite of his sandwich. Then put it down on his plate.

While she was speaking to him she had not looked down at the tricorder he had passed her. She did so now. It took a huge effort not to squeal with joy!

Melody grabbed his free hand on the table and squeezed it remarkable strongly and when she looked back up at him, eyes wide with shock, joy, happiness, a big smile on her face.

"I'm pregnant!"

He winced slightly not ready for her strong grip. "Congratulations." he grinned at Melody.

Melody double checked the tricorder. "It's only about 7 weeks along so I trust I can count on you keeping this information between us for the time being?" She closed it a slid it back to him on the table.

He retrieved it and put the tricorder away. "No worries, I'll be keeping it a secret. Its for you to tell, and not my place." he grinned. "I am actually delighted for you. Children are such a marvel. I don't have any of my own but, they are a marvel. It was hinted to me that you didn't get a chance to watch Sansa grow. I've not pried into that piece of history of your daughter, as it's not any of my business. It had come out during my talk with Hayley. She didn't say much either. And I didn't ask either."

"Well, I suppose I might as well tell you. Caroline has been giving me some injections that were devised by Starfleet medial to ensure this baby grown at a normal rate. Let's just hope that they worked."

"Well I'm not a medical doctor, but it looks like things are going forward, but its best for those who are more familiar with the details to make the proper diagnosis." Mathias smiling, then resuming to eating his sandwich. Between bites, Mathias asked, " What are your plans when the details are sorted out at Headquarters?"

"After I've finished with the Bass, I'm going to spend some time with Draxx and relations in Italy. They have a restaurant there. I'm hoping Sansa has some time to visit after she's been to Scotland with you and spent some time with Hayley. She also mentioned whale watching?"

Mathias nodded, "there is a plan for that to happen sometime very soon. I'm also hoping to get a moment of Caroline's" he paused and corrected himself. "Counselor Miller's time as she had mentioned she'd introduce me to an Andorian Sunrise. I'm hoping that it will come to pass. From how she described it, I wanted to experience that for the first time, with her." there was a soft expression in his eyes when he spoke of Caroline. It faded though as he delved into finishing the last bite of his sandwich before he ate his salad.

Melody had practically inhaled her sandwich and mashed potatoes and was finishing off the last drops of her carrot juice.

Melody wiped her mouth with her napkin and set it down on the table. "Well thank you for... a very enlightening lunch. When it comes to Fay Lieutenant, I trust you to make the right decision but thank you for telling me."

"You are very welcome, and once more" he whispered the next part." Congratulations. And don't worry, I will be on my best behaviour." Mathias said with another smile.



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