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An Announcement

Posted on Saturday 12 December 2020 @ 20:58 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx

Mission: Homeward
Location: Melody's temporary office, Starfleet Command
Timeline: MD2 1230
701 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody had got back to her office after lunch with Draxx and pulled out a tricorder from her desk drawer, scanning herself again. Once she was happy, she tapped her comm badge. "Jones to Draxx. Can you join me in central Command floor 4, Office 105? I've been assigned a temporary office during my debrief. I need to talk to you, now!"

Draxx had been to get his back properly fixed while Mel was in the throws of the usual Starfleet bureaucracy but there was an urgency in her voice. "Yes dear. I will be right with you."

He didn't waste time. Was it Sansa? A new mission - were they off again immediately? He had hoped this time he could take both his girls to see his cousin and the restaurant. Even if he had to bring Faye too they might not be here again any time soon.

"What's wrong love?" He asked walking through the door. "Are you okay?"

Melody stood from her desk and went over to Draxx, wrapping her arms around him just in case he went weak at the knees. In his ear, she whispered, "We're pregnant!"

"YES," Draxx said lifting her up and spinning her around. "That's brilliant. And quick ... Wow. How do you feel? How far along?"

”I’m fine.” she reassured him. ”Apart from a ravenous appetite and going completely off coffee. I ran a scan and as far as I can tell, I’m about seven weeks along and the baby is growing normally. The doctor has asked to see me this afternoon so I’ll inform her then and ask her to double check. You're going to be a father... Again .”

She kissed him passionately.

Draxx came up for air and another question hit him. "This is brilliant. It worked. Can we out the sex yet? How are we going to tell Sansa?"

"I'm not sure from the scan I took but I'm sure the Doctor could work it out. Anyway, don't you want it to be a surprise?" She asked. Then added "I'm seeing Sansa this afternoon when she's finished with Starfleet Command so I'll tell her then. What about telling your family when we see them? They might get suspicious when I turn down any alcoholic drinks I'm offered."

“Yes,” he nodded. “Roger and his wife will be so happy for us. I would love for Sansa to come too although is that problematic with Faye?”

He wondered if he should bite the bullet and invite Hayley.

Melody thought for a moment. "When I spoke to Sansa before we beamed down, she mentioned that Fay wanted to see Mathias's home in Scotland. Apparently, Fay has taken a liking to our science officer but I'm told that Sansa is keeping an eye on this and making sure the relationship is not inappropriate. Sansa also discussed with Hayley.
Fay has also mentioned the possibility of a new host at some point. I think that may be part of the reasons the Doctor is coming to see me this afternoon. They ran some scans on Fay to make sure she was ok in Sansa's body.

Sansa was also going to see Hayley and her family before joining us in Italy. You know, you could invite Hayley to join us as well?"

"I was mulling that over. Dose being pregnant make you telepathic now Red?" he asked. He placed his hand on her stomach. "Maybe in the spirit of new beginnings. And because Sansa really wants me too," he softened.

She smiled at him. "Well I was going to keep that little nugget to myself,” she said with a chuckle. "I'll ask Fay to dinner this evening. There is a nice restaurant not far from here that does a great steak. You can talk to Sansa about it then."

He nodded. "Okay. Yes, let's do that then."

He kissed her once more and said, "I've got to dash, I've been asked to report for the debrief. A Commander Hamilton. I think I remember stories of him from the academy."

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. We’ll see you later. Love you.” She added, stealing another quick kiss before letting him leave.



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